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Understand the term Compliance :


Compliance comes from the English verb "to comply" , which means to comply with laws, ethical standards, rules, instructions and internal and external regulations. These guidelines aim to minimize risks and guide the behavior of companies in the market in which they operate, providing greater security.



This Code of Conduct of SOLIDA HOSPITALAR gathers the guidelines and principles to guide the actions and relations with the parties
stakeholders with whom they relate, such as: co-workers, customers, suppliers, health professionals, government,
distributors, business partners, society and communities served and partners, with regard to ethical and moral aspects.


Ethical Principles of SOLIDA HOSPITALAR:


Respect for applicable laws and regulations is a fundamental principle of SOLIDA HOSPITALAR. SOLIDA's decisions
HOSPITAL must contemplate justice, legality and good practices.

In line with corporate identity and philosophy, their core values ​​are:

  1. Commitment to ethics and integrity;

  2. Commitment to the Quality of our products;

  3. To be a humanized company, concerned with every detail that will guarantee the patient's full recovery of capabilities;

  4. Focus on results and people, aiming for fair financial results;

  5. Competitive spirit based on social and environmental improvement;

  6. Professional commitment to all people and organizations that somehow maintain relationships with our company (business partners).

Make your complaint here

The Complaint Channel is a tool available to receive reports or cases of suspected violations of laws, and this Code and/or SOLIDA HOSPITALAR Guidelines.


It is important that anyone, whether internal or external to SOLIDA HOSPITALAR, who is aware of or suspects a violation of this Code and/or SOLIDA HOSPITALAR's procedures, feel comfortable reporting their concerns directly to the Whistleblower Channel.


It is also the obligation of employees to report violations of this code, if they are aware. The whistleblower channel guarantees confidentiality and total anonymity to the whistleblower.


All reports will be investigated. Any possibility of harassment or retaliation due to a complaint is considered a serious violation of this code and the principles of the SOLIDA HOSPITALAR code of conduct.

Complaints can be made through the following communication channels:


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